Gps: 56.355422, 9.106252
Torp annexe is peaceful in the countryside, north of Karup, with sales of fishing license to fish their own water by Karup Å, better known as "Buus Crunch" and close Kongenshus Heath. Immediately behind the annex is Torp Put and Take with two fishing lakes.
Directions: Drive towards Herning in Karup city, just before you run out of town turn right at the big concrete silos at Åhusevej and we live around. 7 km out of the way.
The distance to larger towns like Herning, Silkeborg, Skive, Holstebro and Viborg is max. 35 km.
Bed linen 50 kr per bed.
Gps: 56.355422, 9.106252